Copyright © 2016 SweetArchitecture

   Copyright © 2016 SweetArchitecture




Our architecture is not superficial or purely impressive.

Our architecture wants to be SWeeT, gentle in the approach and pleasant in the solutions.

In each project we try to merge our clients’ needs (which include functional, aesthetic and economic ones) and to respect the environment and the context (geographical, historical and cultural); all these elements, analyzed and linked together, are an inspiration source for our designs and define the spaces we create. Thanks to a continuous and accurate dialogue among program, details and materials, we therefore seek a holistic approach to the project that leads us to define mutable architectural ideas.

In our work we combine our Italian roots and training with the Swiss rationality and functionalism (SWeeT = SW + ee(I) T). We love architectures that combine simplicity and beauty, and that conjugate technology and attention to craftsmanship details; architectures that are able to excite thanks to the combination of materials, chosen with a contemporary and cosmopolitan flair.

Each project is unique and unrepeatable, this leads us to find customized solutions for our clients; we listen to their needs and we try to discover the needs not yet born, we guide and inspire them in their choices, we make sure we create spaces to become "their" live or work spaces.

These principles define the lifestyle we identify with and we try to reproduce in our projects.